Max Baptiste
As an Adventure Capitalist, Max invests in humans and specializes in relationships. He is dedicated to helping others discover their ability to change their own lives and the world around them through interface and experience.

Max is culturally and technologically focused, believing that humans have the right to access both.

For over seven years, Max has focused on business development, gamification, and hybrid billing in the video game industry. This work has shaped his unique outlook on life, keeping him passionate about how humans engage with art, music, technology, payments, psychology, data, and marketing.

Experience in: user experience (UX), on and offline marketing; partner acquisition and management; development of new business opportunities; payment processing; user interface (UI), strategic planning; team building and staff management.

Specialties: Business Development, Digital Economies, User Experience, User Interface, Payment Processing, Market Analysis, Contract Negotiation, Video Game Production, Video Game Publishing, Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media.